Confucius said, “You cannot open a book without learning something.” Libraries are an integral part of a school. At Arya Gurukul, we encourage students to use the school library which houses books of various topics, making us the best school in Ambernath. You have probably visited your school library a few times but did not know what to pick up or read. Here are some pointers on how to make the most of the school library-
- Firstly, get to know your library better. Know what books are in stock, what are the borrowing rules at your school. This will help you in picking up a book either for pleasure reading or for research purpose. You can speak to the librarian or go through the library list if available.
- Set up ‘Library fun time’, where you and a group of friends can visit the library together and spend some quiet reading time together. Shhhhhh!
- Research is an important part of learning. You cannot learn a concept thoroughly unless you do enough research on the topic. Research helps one to understand the pros and cons, for and against of any topic. And what best way to do research other than to browse through various study material.
- Look at the Library as a fun space where you can pick up book of various genres that you like.
- Donate books! Next time celebrate your birthday by donating books to your school library. Wouldn’t it be nice to see your friends reading the books that you donated?
So next time, you cross the school library, make sure to take a thorough peek and enjoy the benefits of this treasure trove which your school has to offer.