A student’s guide to using the internet effectively

The internet has become an integral part of our existence in today’s times. With accessibility to the internet on the various devices at home and outside, the world wide web permeates our daily lives even without us being aware of it. 

Of course, like everything in life, too much of something is bad. Similarly, excessive and reckless usage of the internet poses several risks with regards to safety, emotional disturbances, attention deficits and health problems. However, the internet if used effectively is one of the most powerful tools we have today. Arya Gurukul, the best CBSE board school in Kalyan cares about our students, so let’s discuss some of the ways we can use the internet effectively- 

  1. The extensive body of data and information you can find on the web can help you in research and school projects. Ensure, that you collect data from credible sites which are not misleading. Usually government sites will provide most accurate information related to culture, population etc. Websites such as goidirectory.nic.in/ is a one stop site for all information related to our country for research and study purposes. 
  2. Similarly, Wikipedia is the largest platform for accurately sourced information on anything under the sun. You can safely quote matter from such sites and get links to further details on a topic for a deep and thorough perspective. 
  3. Let’s also discuss, how you can manage your social life effectively. Communication Apps such as WhatsApp are a great tool to be in touch with your friends and family and quickly share information. If used with great care and restraint it can be a great way to catch up with old friends and stay in touch. However, you need to restrict the time spent on these apps by setting a time limit for yourself. Anything that eats into your study, play time or the time that you spend being physically around your family and friends is unhealthy and should be corrected. Also, be wary of adding unknown people on any of these apps and sites. 
  4. Always add your parents and close friends on your social networking sites. Remember, if there’s something that you need to hide from your parents then it’s probably going to harm you eventually.  
  5. Lastly, if you have a hobby, there are many online platforms and groups where you can get the latest updates on your area of interest, share knowledge and have healthy discussions. You can also stay updated on events in and around your city. So, it’s a great idea to be a part of such groups.

Happy browsing, researching and stay safe! 

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