Education needs to be all- encompassing. “The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts” and children need stimulation for all their capacities to develop fully. They need the right environment and the right exposure to develop individualistic thoughts and ideas.
A philosophical tenet gives children the much-needed basis on which they can place their beliefs. The basis of our approach towards teaching and life in general is the Chinmaya Vision Program. Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP) was born to enshrine the philosophy of education developed by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji in the heart of every growing child to bring out the best in him/her.
This philosophical tenet places chief value on a child’s inherent nature of goodness. It places respect on the ability of a child to learn and grow.
The basis of this philosophy that are visible in our academics as well as extra-curricular activities are-
It aims at the overall blossoming of a student at the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels of his/her personality. It suggests that children learn by inter relating all their mental faculties and merge concepts of different fields such as science, arts, mathematics together. Therefore, it is very much aligned to the latest teaching pedagogies.
It aims at holistic development of a child by creating experiences where they can reflect on and gain access to develop their-
-physical prowess through games and play,
-emotional prowess by talking about feelings and being expressive,
-intellectual prowess through creative expressions, problem solving, memory, independent thinking and management skills,
-spiritual prowess by tapping the inherent divinity and manifesting it. That is why we practise value education, value-based education, philosophy, introspection, meditation techniques, yoga etc.
Children get a wide exposure to the culture and traditions of our country through various activities, quizzes, celebrations and events. They not only get to be a part of such events but also learn the significance, origin and relevance of our traditions. It gives them an in-depth idea of our culture and brings things in perspective. Therefore, the experience is made very real for our students.
This vital area of focus includes education in citizenship, civic consciousness, fostering pride in being Indian and vital national concerns such as unity in diversity and correct understanding of secularism. It aims at creating dedicated and committed citizen who takes genuine pride in serving the nation.
Globalisation has made it imperative that our students receive a good exposure to matters that are of global importance. The idea of “universal citizenship” is imbibed in students so that they see themselves as part of the bigger picture- the universal picture. It is our aim that our students can contribute positively in any given situation and do not find them incompetent or ‘lacking’ in any capacity.
Our philosophical background and our dedication to nurture all the facets of a child make us one of the leading schools in Kalyan and Ambernath.