The lockdown has brought many changes in our lives and the most impacted section of the society are the children. With restrictions on physical activity and schools being shut, children and parents alike, are finding new ways to keep them engaged.
AryaGurukul schools, the best CBSE board schools in Ambernath and Kalyan, Nandivali are leaving no stone unturned to keep things going as they would normally. Children, parents and teachers need a good dose of positivity and something to look forward to. The lockdown hasn’t dampened their spirits and they continue to celebrate each and every occasion with the same enthusiasm and fervour.
How AryaGurukul celebrated International Yoga Day?
AryaGurukul in collaboration with St. Mary’s School celebrated a unique virtual event on International Yoga Day. Yoga is considered an important aspect of the Chinmaya Vision Program which is the guiding philosophy behind the curriculum of Arya Global Schools. Yoga is an important part of the daily routine at all their schools, with a focus on attaining the balance of mind and body. Meditation, chanting and breathing techniques are regularly taught and practiced by the students and the lockdown impositions do not repress this school’s dedication in celebrating events that contribute to their students’ wellbeing.
21st June is celebrated as International Yoga day all across the world and AryaGlobal and all its schools like AryaGurukul, Nandivali, Ambernath and St. Mary’s School, Kalyan were no exception. The students and teachers came together on an online platform to show their agility and balance by demonstrating various asanas.
According to Ms. Neelam Malik, Director, Arya Gurukul, “Emotional development is an important part of personality development and Yoga can help achieve that. Complete harmony and good health, fitness and hygiene are important aspects of child development.”
The event streamed Live on Facebook and YouTube. This interactive session on Yoga was viewed live by parents and students from the comfort of their homes. Eight hundred plus viewers had watched, followed and benefitted from the Live event. Creating awareness and a love for Yoga was a priority for this event and the engaging and interactive nature ensured that this was met. Ms. Preeta Kumar, Headmistress, St. Mary’s High School, says, “With schools closed and summer activities being cancelled, parents can meet fitness requirements of themselves and the kids through Yoga.”
The recorded version of the event is available on here
for those interested in knowing more about Yoga. The lockdown compelled the school to hold various events online and this now appears to be a blessing in disguise as more and more patrons can watch, follow and gain benefits from these events. As Bharat Malik, Trustee AryaGlobal Schools says, “We believe Yoga is for life and continuous practice will make a positive impact on happiness and wellness. Therefore, let’s integrate Yoga in our daily lives.”
Students even participated in Inter– School Competitions.
A competition organised by XL Roots in association with Mumbai Yoga District saw a surge of responses from across the city. Various competitions held over the entire month of June for various age groups had students perform difficult asanas such as Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana and Sarvangasana.
Shourya Chouhan from Arya Gurukul, Ambernath and Zoya Shaikh from AryaGurukul, Nandivali did their schools proud by bagging the first place in the 8-11 and 14-19 age groups during their Open Online Yoga Competition. Such was the spirit and zeal to excel demonstrated by the students of AryaGurukul School, an outcome of their passion for Yoga.